The aesthetics of nature photography
The vastness of canvas available in a digital photograph adds a new dimension to appreciation of the beauty of nature in two ways :Firstly the photograph releases you from the limits of your own awareness of the environment . Secondly the digital phototograph explores the interrelationship between the different components of the picture which play on one another in a most symbiotic fashion . It is as though the tree , the grass, the lake , the paddy fields , the sky and the clouds are singing in a chorus of joyful melody. The individual components add up to the totality of the beauty in a manner that does not happen in the real world . Thus there is no rice field without the mountains, the sky, the bush, the mud track, the palm trees and the sunlight; there is no moon without the customary coconut tree. Many times we are unable to appreciate the beauty inherent in a natural scene because our senses cannot focus enough on the essential nature of things , the luminiscence that emerges from the objects of nature acting on one another.
Digital photography expands our consciousness pushing the borders of visual awareness like nothing else does. More particularly vast spaces captured in panoramic views . Normally we have only a fleeting glimpse of expanded horizons when we are on the move , that is when we are travelling by a car and we stop by on the highway . The spaces release us from our own limits of visual awareness . We have seen such vast spaces only in paintings. For the first time , after the advent of digital photography we are in a position to capture such vast spaces
Digital photography expands our consciousness pushing the borders of visual awareness like nothing else does. More particularly vast spaces captured in panoramic views . Normally we have only a fleeting glimpse of expanded horizons when we are on the move , that is when we are travelling by a car and we stop by on the highway . The spaces release us from our own limits of visual awareness . We have seen such vast spaces only in paintings. For the first time , after the advent of digital photography we are in a position to capture such vast spaces
At 12:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
What you want to know where Matt Pike's gone for, Marann? I didn't care about knowing, ma, but I didn't like the way Sim talked. Then he partially awakens, and repeats the dream to himself, because he wants to tell it to me.. The danger, which is due to the fact that the Forec.. Morland, she intends asking some of her friends to meet us, in case we accept the invitation; and therefore is naturally desirous of a reply as soon as possible.. All the sisters watched her get into the sleigh with the deacon, and resumed the previous discussion with greatly increased interest.. Handsome, brilliant, wise, tender, graceful, accomplished, rich, and famous, I looked at him, without the spectacles, in surprise, and admiration, and wondered how your neighbor over the way had been so entirely untouched by his homage.. But seeing that it had turned to nothing but a man, he wandered up into the deserted fence corner, and began to nibble refreshment from a scrub oak.. I know men who would buy out half the house to have their personality put on the stage so the public would recognize it.. Probably my dream of last night satisfies the requirements. There is a meaning in all these cases when different persons are amalgamated into one substitute.. Another uproar of laughter followed this apparently audacious repetition, but was interrupted by an unlooked-for incident.. He gave one regretful thought to the gorgeous wardrobe he was leaving behind him; but he dared not return for it.. Well, then, there lived Monsieur Poopoo ever since he came from dear, delightful Paris, as he was wont to call the city of his nativity--there he took in the pennies for his kickshaws--there he laid aside five thousand dollars against a rainy day--there he was as happy as a lark--and there, in all human probability, he would have been to this very day, a respected and substantial citizen, had he been willing to let well alone.. We get on the track by thrashing out experiences which one cannot avoid in the analysis of dreams.. Lost in a trance of divine exaltation, for he felt the effects of the invigorating motion, bent only on making the air ring with the lines which he dimly imagined were drawing upon him the eyes of the whole female congregation, he was supremely unconscious that his beast was hurrying.. The more dominating this worry, the stronger must be the connection to be established; between the contents of the wish and that of the worry there need be no connection, nor was there one in any of our examples.. Got little business with you after dinner, ef you can spare time.. The Major could not have influenced the sale of one share of stock in the Capitoline Company.. This, indeed, if your words fail you, answers even in public extempore speech--but better where other talking is going on.. I feared lest some instinct should warn me to beware...
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