A.J.Rao's Photoideas

A poet's approach to photography

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Park Bench

The empty park bench

He is not seen on the bench these days
A cigarette stub
Continues to announce him.

The photographer should , in this case, necessarily have a 'story' or any number of elements of the story which would make the photograph interesting. In other words what is needed is a premeditated plotline or a script .

In this case the elements of the story are:

A man usually sits on the park bench
He is not seen these days ;either he has moved out of town or is dead.
He was smoking a cigarette some days ago while sitting on the bench

The park bench (without the man ), the man and the cigarette formed the spatial existence . The man is not there now but the bench and the cigarette -stub continue to act as though he is there .A photograph of the empty bench and the cigarette-stub nearly accomplish a recall of the earlier spatial existence


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